The JV Club with Janet Varney

SPOILER ALERT! You are cleared to listen to this episode if you are A. All caught up with the Serial podcast or B. Totally not interested in the Serial podcast. If B, Jessica Chaffin (Ronna and Beverly) and Janet apologize for talking so much about it. But not to worry- they also discuss several other disturbing events. SECOND SPOILER ALERT: Jessica Chaffin is terrific.

Direct download: JVC134_Jessica_Chaffin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This week’s guest, the extraordinary Sarah Thyre, answers possibly the most pressing question facing Americans today: Where can you go to practice walking in high heels on cobblestone before your trip to Europe? And perhaps just as vital: How have Playboy boobs changed over the decades? Also, guess what? Sarah’s awesome!

Direct download: JVC133_Sarah_Thyre.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Janet finds a new way to make peace with spiders thanks to Episode 132’s guest, the wise and wonderful Shadi Petosky. This sage advice and more stories of nature’s bounteous forests, lakes and guitar by the campfire. And as if that weren’t enough, get ready for some frank, fascinating and important talk about how far we’ve come and how far we have to go.

Direct download: JVC132_Shadi_Petosky.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST