The JV Club with Janet Varney

This week, JV and comedian and writer Ellington Wells do some tarantula performance art, talk about what constitutes a “thin” town, how to make your own creativity Absolutely Fabulous.

Hosted by Janet Varney.

Edited by Julian Burrell for Maximum Fun.


Direct download: JVC362_200226.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Take a deep dive into underwater civilizations… and into the adventurous life of the very talented actor/comedian/writer Nalini Sharma! Find out if gemstones protect you from harm! Think about what belongings you’d save from a fire! Find out that you might surprise yourself if you actually had to do just that!

Hosted by Janet Varney.

Edited by Julian Burrell for Maximum Fun.

Direct download: JVC361_200220.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:06pm PST

Put down that Stephen King book and enjoy to this episode of The JV Club with the awesome Keisha Zollar (Netflix’s “Astronomy Club”), whose history of multiple moves and a challenging health situation in her teens made her the badass she is today! Plus! Find out what the one and only Abraham Lincoln had to say to Keisha during their in-depth conversation! 

Hosted by Janet Varney.

Edited by Julian Burrell for Maximum Fun.

Direct download: JVC360_200212.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Maybe a record-breaking length for a single episode? And this conversation with comedian Nori Reed is worth every minute! Join Nori and JV for a deep-dive into subjects from the silly to the heartbreaking, with lots and LOTS of g-o-l-d GOLD!

Hosted by Janet Varney.

Edited by Julian Burrell for Maximum Fun.

Direct download: JVC361_200206.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:32pm PST